
Picture Time | Life's Moments Photography

Just some cute pictures of the puppies and one of my Kaiser, taken last Friday after his 2nd seizure. I knew it wasn't going to be a good time for I knew I should get a least one recent picture (as I felt so bad after Leo of whom I hadn't gotten any recents of!)


Ryker said...

We are so sorry for your recent losses.

On the happier side Bluebell and Boomer are looking marvelous!

Reena G said...

Thank you so much Ryker for all of your recent comments. They are very much appreciated.

D.K. Wall said...

They are all so beautiful - but Kaiser is particularly striking. So sorry for the loss.

Sharon said...

I love all these pictures! Boomer looks like he's smiling while he gets a hug.

Reena G said...

Boomer smiles all the time :) but it really does look like a smile on that particular photo :)

Thanks again everyone for your support.