
Early Morning Wakeup :(

yep, here I sit. On the back porch, watching the two puppies, typing on the computer, watching bats fly by and grab bugs. The plus side.....NO FLIES! Someone had to go potty really bad.

They slept the day away yesterday....passed out in the kitchen. Couldn't get Boomer to get up and do ANYTHING. Figured I'd pay for it this morning, yep. I am right. Here I sit.

Boomer is pretty heavy. We figure he is at about 17 pounds. BlueBelle still seems like she is light as feather. Boomer is a very solid pooch.


NW said...

Congratulations on Bluebelle! She's adorable, and I'm excited to follow your adventures with two! ~Nancy~

Reena said...

Thanks so much Nancy! It sure is alot of work.....and now we are a family of 5 dogs! :)